43 research outputs found

    Erotic Aspects of Everyday Life as a Challenge for Ubiquitous Computing

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    In this paper we discuss how interactive technology disables or enables erotic aspects of everyday life, and we discuss a number of design concepts in order to relate erotic aspects to the issue of visibility versus invisibility in ambient computing. This discussion has general relevance for the study of residual categories in ubiquitous computing

    Aesthetic Approaches to Human-Computer Interaction

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    Proceedings of the NordiCHI 2004 Workshop, Tampere, Finland, October 24, 200

    Proceedings of the Sixth Danish Human-Computer Interaction Research Symposium.

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    Proceedings of theSixth Danish Human-Computer Interaction Research Symposium.Aarhus, Denmark, November 15, 200

    Designing for Learning in Use of Everyday Artefacts

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    Bang Olufsen system bliver installeret hos Paul Sarah. B&O slgerne ordner tekniske installation, demonstrerer nye systems funktionalitet forlader Paul Sarah, de udforske det vidunder. Dette ikke usdvanlig situation, er alligevel en situation vkker eftertanke B&O bestemt ogs i forhold forskningsfeltet menneske maskin interaktion. B&O overvejer hvordan sikre, deres produkter er intuitive bruge, kunderne med tiden lrer bruge systemerne. forhold Menneske-Maskin interaktions omrdet rejser denne situation flere sprgsml end umiddelbart kan besvares. disse sprgsml, drivkraften denne afhandling. Denne afhandling tager generelle udfordringer Menneske-Maskin omrdet. det frste undersges konsekvenserne computerens bevge arbejdspladsen dens indtrngen i vores hverdagsliv. For andet udforskes teoretiske praktiske implikationer forst lring brug, modstning opfattelser brug teknologi mere statisk. Endelig undersges det hvordan vi designe lring i brug hverdagsartefakter, dvs. frste udfordringer angribes fra design perspektiv. Arbejdet, prsenteres i flgende, udspringer tradition for aktions forskning. Problemstillingerne der arbejdes med, sledes resultatet samarbejde interaktionsdesign gruppen Bang & Olufsen. Den empiriske afhandlingen udgres langtidsstudium af B&O TV brug i familiers hjem. Ydermere afholdtes designworkshops med familier i private hjem, sammen med B&O eksperimenteredes med forskellige former organisering af designarbejde. Teoretisk, udforskes virksomhedsteorien forstelsesramme lring- i-brug. baggrund heraf, udvikles forstelsen artefakter som "lrings artefakter" dette arbejde danner baggrund analyse langtidsbrug af B&O TV. Hovedbidragene udgres lringsartefakt konceptet samt st design principper hverdagsartefakter, udviklet basis heraf. Ydermere prsenteres videreudvikling per..

    Design for learning in use

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    This paper brings information systems design towards a focus on learning in use. Studying learn-ing in use is a matter of focusing on the development of the designed artefact once the design process is over. Accordingly, designing for learnable artefacts is a matter of understanding and developing use, also when a computer-based artefact has been taken over by users. The paper presents a design-oriented model of the learnable artefact, discusses the possible instruments of learning in use and presents empirical studies that support our design-oriented understanding of the learnable artefact. Keywords: Learning in use, integration of use and design, design mode


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    This paper analyses the use of media and material in private homes based on empirical studies in a project on designing interactive domestic environments. Based on the analyses we propose a Domestic Hypermedia infrastructure (DoHM) combining spatial, context-aware and physical hypermedia to support collaborative structuring and ubiquitous presentation of materials in private homes. With DoHM we propose establishing new relationship between digital and physical hyperspaces, folding hyperspaces into the physical space of the household. Thus we strive to combine the qualities of physical domestic materials and spaces with the flexibility and dynamics of digital hyperspaces. We propose a variety of new ubiquitous home appliances called MediaWall, MediaTable, MediaTray and MediaPort, which address these issues